Working Groups

The World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) hosts specialized working groups that bring together experts, researchers, and advocates to address pressing global health issues. These groups focus on developing evidence-based solutions, shaping public health policies, and fostering international collaboration.

From climate change and universal health coverage to health promotion and disease prevention, our working groups are crucial in advancing public health advocacy and driving impactful change.

The WFPHA working groups contribute to shaping the future of global public health.

woman in blue blazer smiling

Oral Health

The group is dedicated to increasing dental public health globally through effective advocacy, innovative partnerships and collaborations, and implementing the WFPHA Global Charter for the Public’s Health within the oral health setting.


Hyewon Lee

Hyewon Lee

A black and yellow insect sitting on a yellow flower

Environmental Health

The group aims to influence international policy on environmental health and brings a public health approach to the environmental advocacy community.


Hannah Marcus

Hannah Marcus

Hanna-Andrea Rother

Hanna-Andrea Rother

Lwando Maki

Lwando Maki

orange cigarette butts on black surface

Tobacco Control

The group supports implementing tobacco control policies at the national and international levels, including the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.


John Gannon

John Gannon

person in black pants and brown shoes lying on dried leaves


The group assists in reducing the health disparity and inequities experienced by Indigenous people globally through collective advocacy.


Adrian Te Patu

Adrian Te Patu

woman and man sitting in front of monitor

Public Health Professionals’ Education and Training

The group develops strategies to globally harmonise essential public health functions and competencies based on practice needs and performance standards.


 Priscilla Robinson

Priscilla Robinson

Leanne Coombe

Leanne Coombe

woman standing in front of fruits holding pot's lid

NCDs Prevention & Health Promotion

The group aims to promote non-communicable diseases (NCD) prevention and control policies and practices.


Prajjwal Pyakurel

Prajjwal Pyakurel

Jeremiah Twa Twa

Jeremiah Twa Twa

people wearing boots

Public Health in Emergencies
and Disasters

The group focuses its attention on human health effects of emergencies and disasters (both natural and man-made) and helps shape global policies.


Duha Shellah

Duha Shellah

man wearing eyeglasses and headphones beside smiling man


The group’s purpose is to represent the interests of students and young professionals within the WFPHA.


Alessandro Berionni

Alessandro Berionni

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers

Global Health Equity
and Digital Technology

The group advances knowledge and research on health equity and digital technology issues.


Vina HuLamm

Vina HuLamm

woman in blue hijab sitting on chair

Women, Children and Youth Health

The group addresses the health issues of these populations through advocacy, advancing public health practice and expanding partnerships.


 Deborah Walker

Deborah Walker

Fiona Robards

Fiona Robards

man standing in front of the window

Public Mental Health

The group aims to promote and protect mental health as well as detect, prevent, and respond to mental health conditions across the life course.


Jutta Lindert

Jutta Lindert

Jonathan Campion

Jonathan Campion

man in long sleeve shirt standing beside girl in pink tank top washing hands

One Health

The vision of WFPHA-OHWG is to strengthen global health security at the human-animal-environment interface through promoting global collaboration to establish One Health platforms, enhancing dissemination to influence policy and practice, and improving knowledge and capacity building on One Health.


Xiao-Nong Zhou

Xiao-Nong Zhou

Mayumi Duarte Wakimoto

Mayumi Duarte Wakimoto
